
You Can Make Money Here...


Make sure you don't lose cash on the 1st of October.

Join or if already a member log in at WeShareAbundance.com

Then: Read any messages in your inbox.

If you have not read all your incoming messages you will lose a portion of your income, possibly as much as 75%, so read them all now!

Also; make sure you are in the best position to benefit from the FREE Lottery and the WESA value adjustment by staking as many Pools as you can. You could win over $20,000 if you are an ELITE Member (This is a stake of $100 in WESA Tokens) and will be guaranteed to make at least $50 profit.

The FREE lottery has 6 Pools and each gives you a chance to win a BIG Prize or one of hundreds of smaller prizes.

A Stake is not a purchase, it is a deposit to your account repaid to you over 30 days PLUS a minimum 50% Profit!

Pool 1 Stake is just $2 and could win you over $1,000 in addition to your guaranteed profit
Pool 2 is an additional $3; Pool 3 an additional $5; Pool 4 an additional $10; Pool 5 an additional $20 and Pool 6 an additional $60.

So entry in all Pools is a total of $100 in WESA Tokens and will get you a return of $150 in 30 days time in addition to many other benefits including the FREE Lottery and WESA Price increase adjustment (this alone paid Pool 6 members $67 extra last month).

Take action NOW!